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Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Pemanfaatan Microsoft Office Pada Media Sosial Sebagai Media Pembelajaran


Microsoft Office untuk Windows dimulai pada bulan Oktober 1990 sebagai paket dari tiga aplikasi yang dirancang untuk Microsoft Windows 3.0: Microsoft Word untuk Windows 1.1, Microsoft Excel untuk Windows 2.0, dan Microsoft PowerPoint untuk Windows 2.0.
Kemudian setelah Microsoft Office populer, pada tahun 1995 Microsoft meluncurkan kembali aplikasi perkantoran ini dengan versi 1995 bersama dengan OS Windows 95-nya. Pada sistem operasi ini Microsoft merombak total Windows versi 3.1 dan Windows 3.11 for Workgroup, perubahan yang cukup signifikan dalam sejarah sistem operasi komputer pada saat itu. Sejalan dengan pekembangan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office sendiri terus berkembang pesat dan semakin mapan dan terus digandrungi serta digunakan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat komputer di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia.

Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

Pemanfaatan Media Social Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

Semakin berkembangnya tehnologi internet membuka wawasan bahwa informasi yang dibutuhkan dengan mudah dan cepat kita dapatkan.Dengan internet dapat dilakukan melampaui ruang dan waktu.Internet juga menyediakan fasilitas transaksi produk, tranformasi ilmu dan life style.Bahkan umurpun tidak membatasinya, yang tua bahkan yang belia dapat menembus keterbatasan di dunia ini.

Pemanfaatan Blog Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

Pemanfaatan Blog Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi merupakan salah satu produksi dari manusia yang terdidik, dan pada gilirannya manusia-manusia itu perlu lebih mendalami dan mampu mengambil manfaat dan bukan menjadi korban dari perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi sendiri. Mendalami serta mengambil manfaat dari perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi tidak mungkin dilakukan oleh semua manusia dengan kadar waktu yang sama. Keterbatasan manusia dan waktu menuntut adanya spesialisasi yang semakin mendalam.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Proses Penciptaan Manusia Menurut islam

Proses Penciptaan Manusia Menurut Islam

Al-Qur`an sebagai pendoman hidup manusia. Ayat-ayat dalam al-Qur`an sudah menjelaskan tentang segala sesuatu di muka bumi ini, termasuk mengenai proses penciptaan manusia. Bagaimana seorang manusia dapat tercipta di dunia ini sebagai makhluk yang paling mulia di bumi.
Ada ayat-ayat yang menyatakan bahwa manusia diciptakan dari tanah, ada pula ayat-ayat yang menjelaskan bahwa manusia diciptakan dari tanah liat, tembikar, Lumpur, sari pati tanah, sari pati air yang hina, air yang tertumpah, dan mani yang dipancarkan. Untuk lebih mengetahui mengenai hal tersebut maka dengan judul Penciptaan manusia kami paparkan bagaima penciptaan manusia.

Global Warming Dalam kajian Islam


Sejak dahulu bumi mengalami banyak pembangunan. Pembangunan terjadi sejalan dengan peradaban manusaia yang semakin maju dan berkembang. Bersamaan dengan hal itu manusia memiliki kebutuhan yang semakin banyak dan kegiatan indrustri untuk menghasilkan barang-barang kebutuhan manusia, yang semakin lama semakin meningkat.Sejalan dengan itu hasil-hasil sisa indrustri yang tidak terpakai atau polutan.semakin meningkat,selain itu eksplorasi hutanpun semakin meluas. Sehingga mengakibatkan keadaan dibumi semakin tidak stabil. Banyak terjadi bencana yang terus-menerus terjadi di berbagai negara. Pada saat ini sering kita dengar istilah global warming atau pemanasan global.

Structure; Verb_jenis-jenis verb-01

Jenis-jenis verb-01

Verb (kata kerja) juga memiliki jenis-jenis (kinds of verb). Diantaranya yaitu:
1.             Berdasarkan bentuk
a.         Present form (V1) adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk tenses dunia present. Pada bentuk present ada dua jenis kata kerja yaitu:

Structure; Verb-Pengertian verb

Pengertian verb

Verbs (kata kerja) dalam bentuk lingustik adalah ‘kata kerja’, yang dipahami sebagai rujukan untuk menyebut perbuatan aktif yang dilakukan oleh subjek. Dengan demikian, verbs dalam kaidah bahasa Inggris juga dipakai untuk menunjuk keadaan.

Structure; Adverb and type Adverb

Kalimat Interrogative dalam Present Tense

Sebelum di jelaskan bagaimana penggunaan dari interrogative dalam present tense. Kita perlu memahami lebih dulu definisi dari kalimat interrogative dan present tense, selanjutnya rumus-rumusnya, cara membuat kalimat interrogative, serta fungsi dari keduannya.

Structure; Adverb and type Adverb


Adverb derived from the word  add and verb the meaning: to the meaning of the verb. Then an adverb meaning evolved to become more widespread, not only explains the verb, but also an adjective and adverb itself. In other words, an adverb is an adverb that describes how, when, or where a job, actions, events, and so it was done or happened.

Morphology; The Definition of Word

The Definition of Word

it has been estimated that average speakers of language know from 45,000 to 60,000 words. this means that we as speakers must have stored these words somewhere in our heads, our so-called mental lexicon.
in non-technical everyday talk, we speak about 'words' without ever thinking that this could be a problematic notion. in this section we will see that, perhaps contra our first intuitive feeling, the 'word' as a linguistic unit deserve some attention, because it is not as straightforward as one might expect.

Morphology; Inflection and Derivation

Inflection and Derivation

that a lexical item can appear in several grammatical forms, some of which carry inflections (overt grammatical markings).  It is essential to distinguish the process of inflection from the quite different process called derivation.
Inflection is the variation in form of a lexical item for grammatical purposes.
Derivation is the construction of a new lexical item from another lexical item, usually by the addition of an affix (a prefix or a suffix).
The definition of ‘word-formation’ in the previous paragraph raises an important problem. Consider the italicized words in (13) and think about the question whether kicks in (a), drinking in (b), or  students in (c) should be regarded as ‘new words’ in the sense of our definition.

Introduction to Linguistic; The Acquisition Of Morphology and Syntax

The Acquisition Of Morphology  and Syntax
It is not until about the age of 12 months that a child will begin to consistently produce words of  the language it is learning. it is at this stage that we can begin to examine the development of syntax and morphology in children’s speech.
1.                  The One – Word Stage
The first words uttered by one-year-old child typically name people, objects, pets and other familiar and important parts of this environment. The child’s vocabulary soon comes to include verbs and other useful words as nouns including no, gimme, and mine). Often a phrase used by adults will become a single word in the speech of a child, such as allgone and whasat? The single words produced at this stage are used as more than just labels for objects or events, they may be used for naming, commenting, requesting, inquiring, and so on. In fact, this level of development has been called the holophrasticb stage – a holophrase being a one – word sentence. Children at this stage are limited to a word at a time in their production, but they understand and probably  intend the meaning of more than a single word. Certainly children can understand the utterances of other people  even when they consist of much more than one word. The intonation children use on their one – word utterances may be that of question, and ordinary or emphatic statement, or an imperative. If children do consistently use these adult – like intonation patterns (and researchers disagree about whether they do or not), it would seem even more likely that “holophrastic” is an appropriate name for this stage.
2.                   The Two – Word Stage
Between approximately 18 and 24 months of age, children begin to use two – word utterances. At first they may seem to be simply two one – word sentences produced one right after the other. There may be a pause between them, and each word may be a separate intonation contour. Before long, however, the two words  are produced without pausing and with a single intonational pattern.
Children at this stage do not just produce any two words in any order; rather, they adopt a consistent set of word orders which convey an important part of the meaning of  their utterances. At this of  level of development, the structure of  utterances is determined by semantic relationships, rather than adults syntactic ones. Only word order is used to express these semantic relations; only later are additional syntactic devices added  to the basic word order rules. Most of the utterances produced by a child at this stage will express a semantic relations like one of the following:
agent + action                          baby sleep
action + object                         kick ball
action + locative                      sit chair
entity + locative                      teddy bed
possessor + possession            mommy book
entity + attribute                     block red
demonstrative + entity                        this shoe

words such as more and ‘nother may be used as modifiers of nounds (more juice, ‘nother cup) to indicate or request recurrence. Here and there may be used as demonstrative or locatives. Some children of this stage of development also use pronouns. For the most part,  however, their speech lacks function morphemes and words. These function morphemes include prepositions, auxiliary, verbs, articles, and inflectional affixes.
These little function morphemes are omitted during this stage and even after the child begins to produce more than two words at a time. Because of this omission, this speech of young children is often called telegraphic. When you send a telegram or run a classified ad, every word you include costs you money. Therefore, you only put in the words  you really need, and not the ones that carry no new information. Children follow the same principle of economy. The words they use and the order in which they use them convey the relevant information; function morphemes would be redundant. Of course, pronouns, more, ‘nother, and the other word mentioned earlier carry independent meanings and can fill one of the positions in the semantic relations listed above. Eventually, of course, children do acquire the full set of function morphemes of their language – the “syntactic devices” mentioned above that supplement the expression of semantic relations through  word order rules.

Introduction to Linguistic; Definition of Psycholinguistics

Definition of Psycholinguistics

Lim Kiat Boey, in his book “Introduction to Linguistic for the Language Teacher” :
As its name suggests, psycholinguistic is a field of study that combiness psychology and linguistics. The term itself was coined in 1951 though the study had been going on even in the nineteenth century in the form of the study of language development. (Boey, 1975:103)
Scope psycholinguistics
                  ·        How people use language as a system
                  ·        How people learn a language or how people can acquire a language and use it for communication
A.     Theories of Language Acquisition
      Language is both complex and systematic. It is composed of many layers-phonology, morphology, and so on – each of which contains sets of rulers, and elements manipulated by those rules. It should be clear by now that a speaker’s linguistic competence consistsof much more than just knowing a list (however long) of words. A speaker’s knowledge of not only words, but also elements of other “sizes” (sounds and morphems, for instance) and rules for combining all of these enable him or her to understand and produce sentence he or she may never have heard or uttered before.



A.  Who are young learners?
There are many statements about meaning of young learners, three of which will be stated here. the First, according to Purwaningsih “Young Learners are learners in Elementary School aging 9-10 years old who are learning English as foreign language.” Based on that statement, we can know that Young Learners are students of primary school. Second, Another statement which is taken from Myers and Burnett “by the age of three, children may use about a thousand words. This will increase to 2000-10 000 by the age of five” (2004: 24). Third, the last statement about the meaning of Young Learners, according to Etty Maryati Hoesein, “Young Learners are the students of Elementary School who are at grade four up to grade six. Their ages range from ten to twelve years of age. They have learned English for about one up to four years.



1.      The demands of a brave new world
The end of the Second World War in 1945 heralded of an age of enormous and unprecedented expansion in scientific, technical and economic activity on an international scale. This expansion created a word unified and dominated by two forces – technology and commerce – which in their relentless progress soon generated a demand for an international language. For various reasons, most notably the economic power of the United States in the post - war world, this role fell to English.
The effect was to create a whole new mass of people wanting to learn English, not for the pleasure or prestige of knowing the language but, because English was the key to the international currencies of technology and commerce. Previously the reasons for learning English ( or any other language) had not been well defined. A knowledge of a foreign language had been generally regarded as sign of a well – rounded education, but few had really questioned why it was necessary.

Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

ESP; The Development ESP

From its early beginnings in the 1960s ESP has undergone three main phases of development. It is now in a fourth phase with a fifth phase starting to emerge. We shall describe each of the five phases in greater detail in later chapters, but it will provide a useful, perspective to give a brief summery here. It should be pointed out first of all that ESP is not a monolithic universal phenomenon. ESP has developed at different speeds in different countries, and examples of all the approaches we shall describe can be found operating somewhere in the world at the present time. Our summery must, therefore, be very general in its focus.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

ESP; Definition of ESP

Definition of ESP

ESP is centered on the language appropriate to the activities of a given discipline. ESP according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987:19), “ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning.” In this connection, Dudley-Evans (1998) explains that ESP may not always focus on the language for one specific discipline or occupation, such as English for Law or English for Engineering.

ESP; ESP Approach not Product

The survey above shows that in its relatively brief history there have been several major shifts in the development of ESP both in theory and practice. However, we have tried to show that, in spite of their differences, the successive stages have all concentrated on the linguistic aspect of ESP : they are all essentially language – centred approaches. In later chapters we shall look in greater detail at how this has shaped the way in which people see ESP. for now let us return to the question posed at the beginning of this section: “what is ESP?’ to answer this question fully, we need first of all to establish a context which will help us to see how ESP at the present time relates to the rest of ELT. What exactly is the status of the citizens of ESP and its satellite settlements in relation to the general word of ESL?

English Phonology; Symbol of English Consonant

Symbol of English consonant is International Phonetic Alphabet. Or usually call IPA Symbol. IPA is a writing system that allows us to explain the greater coverage of the pronunciation of sounds in English. Inside there are phonetic symbols that also allows us to compare the sound with each other, as if it was a vowel or consonant.

Picture 1.1

Picture 1.2 are example
Picture 1.3